Fresenius 4008 and 5008 dialysis machines offer amazing quality, an intuitive interface, and great value. As dialysis machines require much provider interaction, Ferensius has focused on refining user interface for many product cycles. The 4008 has served the global health community since 1992 and provides an excellent budget solution for continued use. The 5008 offers you the capability of conducting HighVolumeHDF cardioprotective therapy. Their autosub plus system automatically maximizes substitution volume in order to relieve the burden on personnel. The system also offers secondary convective volumes, or MIXED HDF, if there are unfavorable patient conditions. These features maximize safety by preventing hemoconcentration and low blood flows.
4008: End-stage renal disease (ESRD) claims the lives of half of it’s patients due to cardiovascular complications and ensuant cardiovascular disease. Cardioprotective Hemodialysis is a core operating requirement for Fresenius equipment. Fresenius aims to meet the challenges of contemporary dialysis care by ensuring that our processes minimize cardiovascular risks. The latest line of 4008S equipment continues in the successful path of the widely used 4008 series. Like all of the 4008 series products, the 4008S combines the highest quality hemodialysis procedure with optimal efficiency and a tradition of reliability.