Philips’ refurbished magnets and machines are guaranteed to operate for at least a decade in high-usage environments. Their CT and Ultrasound scanners offer similar performance and will serve your hospital or clininc well into the 2030’s. We offer Philips ultrasound machines to fit your specific needs. From ultra-portable machines to workhorses for large hospital facilities, you’ll find exactly what you need with Philips and Medem ltd!
Equipped with the new Nava Dual feature, the Achieva 1.5T A-series MR scanner delivers advanced performance in all applications.
The receiver achieves, with the help of its 32 RF channels, an extensive receiving range of high-frequency coil channels and powerful SENSE x16 acceleration. It gives your facility access to promising areas such as 4D imaging and mapping capabilities.
MR-tomographs with high field strength ACHIEVA focus on improving workflow productivity. The flexible settings and versatility provide a freer process, allowing you to conduct the necessary research and obtain the necessary results.