Roche’s COBAS line of clinical analysis machines and their top-quality reagents are ideal for both small and large chemical analysis facilities. Your laboratory will have the power to produce excellent immnoassays and perform other clinical chemical operations easily and effectively. Roche machines are user-friendly and Roche reagents are well-packaged and are formulated through the most advanced methods of reagent production. Roche offers a wide variety of reagent solutions including, enzyme and substrate solutions, specfic proteins, drug-abuse testing chemicals, and all solutions necessary for hormonal and immunological assay. Indeed, Roche products provide your core hospital lab or clinical facility with the ability to perform over 220 types of chemical analysis.
The Cobas analyzer was made for the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes.
Cobas can determine the level of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in the blood of 400 patients at a time. This doubles the performance of the Cobas Integra 800 CTS analyzer in current use for HbA1c analysis.
HbA1c is a long-term indicator of blood sugar levels. It is used to determine whether a person has diabetes and a patient’s risk of developing diabetes. The cobas analyzer performs the Tina-Quant HbA1c A1cDx Gen.3 test, which is also used in the Roche laboratory portfolio for HbA1c, to ensure accurate results. The analyzer complies with current guidelines and recommendations for HbA1c testing and A1c measurement as defined by the IFCC.